When Did it End?

Why is this song so perfectly applicable to anything sad? Billie just gets it.

I almost didn’t write this post at the risk of sounding like another millennial mom, droning on about how time is a thief, how we blink and a year drifts by, but today I am putting that aside. I am writing it TF down because another summer has gone, and doggone it – it’s the year of the Barbie movie!

Clara is going to be 5 years old in just 3 months. We started official preschool 3 days a week at a new school and girlfriend SLAYS in her pink Fjallraven and Disney princess lunchbox. We are dealing with a 4-year-old who wants to get dressed, use the bathroom, brush her teeth, and pour LARGE glasses of milk all by her lonesome. Her catch phrases and one-liners literally SEND David and I. Favorites include (while leaning up against something) “How a’doin?”, “Bemember lasterday?” (aka anything that has happened in the past), and the one that gets me err time, “You’re breaking my heart mommy” (when I tell her goodnight and am about to leave the room, it always buys her at least 15 more min).

Eliana is 12 and in 7th. We are going through the delightful saga that is middle school – friends, enemies, boys, makeup, controversial outfit choices, iPhones, all of it. We’re “trying on personalities” as my best friend Kelly lovingly puts it. One day we’re sporty spice, then we’re an Influencer, and then out of nowhere we’re asking to be tucked in at bedtime. Really I cannot blame her one bit – I cringe at the memory of me in JNCO jeans.

Our summer was packed to the brim. E had summer camps and vacations. Clara took a ballet class. We went on a few random trips. Here are the highlights:

One of my best friends, Holly got married in Idaho. My other BFF’s and I were bridesmaids and we had THEE best time!

I love her.

Clara discovered the gas station strawberry shortcake ice cream bars!

She also got SO much better at drawing. Check out her troll doll!

Trip with with Liv and Kelly to Pacific City. We chaperoned a group of 16-year-olds so we EARNED THIS.

JONI JAM 2023. For my mom’s 70th birthday, my sisters and I got tickets to see Brandi Carlisle and Joni Mitchell at the Gorge. It got super cold after the sun went down but it was SO FUN!

We discovered THEE best pizza in Portland (IMO) – Ranch Pizza.

We went to Kennewick for the 4th of July and I (for the first time maybe ever) beat everyone at shanghai rummy.

Clara started taking pre-ballet and tap at a little dance studio near our house and LOVED it. I physically cannot handle how cute she looks in her leotards and unitards.

Face-painting ala Mommy

I gardened for the first time in my life AND planted something.

We drug our $85 pool out of the garage.

The cousins came to visit and we took a little trip to the Oregon coast.

We went to visit our friends Anna and John at their gorgeous lake house.

Clara took her baby for a stroll.

We visited Frog Pond Farm.

Clara had her dance recital!

We attended a birthday party with Rapunzel. Sidenote: I think I missed my true calling as a party princess.

We went to Sun River with my family!

And lastly, but most importantly – Eliana and I FINALLY checked visiting this Christian bookstore/vegetarian foods market off our bucket list. Spoiler alert – we didn’t buy anything.

It’s a whirlwind this life, and most of the time I am DRAINED. I know I could use a little more time to myself but at the end of the day, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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